Paolo di Croce, Generalsekretär Slow Food International

Dear members of the International Council,

It is with great sadness that I write to announce the terrible news of Ursula Hudson's passing away.

She had been sick for a long time, she fought to the end as only she was able to do, but the situation had worsened in the last weeks.

Sincerely, I am speechless, but even if I could find words, a thousand emails would not be enough to describe the contributions that Ursula has made to our movement, both in Germany and globally, thinking of the many ideas, projects, activities and vision that she had in mind for our future.

In the coming days and weeks there will be many things to remember and to say, but right now I really don't feel like adding anything else, except that the battle to create a world where every single person has the right to access good, clean and fair food has one more reason to be fought and won: to do so to honor Ursula's life and dreams.

Paolo (Italy)

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